Psychotherapy for Couples

I work with heterosexual and same-sex couples on a range of issues impacting sexuality and relationships.

Generally, I prefer to conduct the initial interview with both members present. The purpose of this session is to learn of current concerns, general history, and therapeutic goals; to discuss clinical, logistical, financial, and insurance-related questions; to review necessary paperwork; and to make a decision as to whether or not to proceed with therapy. Depending on what is presented, I will recommend conjoint or separate sessions for the next meeting.

My approach with couples is designed to create a safe space for them to articulate, process, and resolve issues of concern with each other. I focus upon interpersonal as well as intrapersonal dynamics as the work proceeds. The investment for the continuation or dissolution of the relationship lies with the couple; rather than trying to "keep the couple together" or recommending an ending, I try to help the couple untangle from maladaptive patterns while encouraging mindfulness, compassion, curiosity, and a sense of humor.

Many insurance plans consider therapy for relational problems to be a non-covered service. I recommend discussing questions about coverage with your insurance company.

"Intimacy is your willingness to share your truth -- with relevance, appropriateness, and timing."
–V. Satir

Office Location:
2910 Briarcliffe Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
(336) 724-0046